
Des - Coffee Machine Descaler 100ml

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)
EGP 95.00

Des descale solution is designed to clean the home use coffee machines, with a balanced set of lime scale and mineral deposits removers that is found in the water used to make coffee drinks that are deposited on the surface of the internal heater and cause a change in the taste and temperature of coffee and damage to the internal heater of the machine or cause blockage of the water cycle.

How to use:

Manual and capsule machines: add 100 ml of solution to 1 liter of tap water to the machine tank, then start the process of cleaning and rinsing

Super automatic machines: add a quantity of solution to the mark (A), then add lukewarm water to the mark (B), then start the process of cleaning and then rinsing

EGP 95.00
Available for pickup at
Usually ready in 1 hour

العبور - المنطقة الصناعية الاولي -بجوار مصنع عبور لاند- بلوك 13018 - قطعة 6 - قبل مصنع هاي فارم
مواعيد العمل: كل يوم ما عدا الجمعة من 11 صباحا حتي 6 مساءا 0244904147
Al Obour


Des - Coffee Machine Descaler 100ml
EGP 95.00