Ahmad Tea
Ahmad Tea Apricot Sunrise tea 20 Bags
Apricot is a comforting, summery flavour any time of the year. Apricot Sunrise is a vibrant high quality black tea blend enhanced with golden ripe apricots.
Its unique blend ofthe robust black tea, fruity dried apricot pieces and nutty marzipan notes have made this a popular Ahmad Tea blend for over 20 years.
With its sweet and warm fruit notes, this tea will add a little sunshine to your day and will make a lovely thirst-quencher for sunny afternoons in the garden.
Each teabag comes foil-wrapped to lock in the flavours, ensuring freshness and the perfect brew every time.
Contains: 20 enveloped Teabags
Ingredients: Black tea, Apricot Sunrise
العبور - المنطقة الصناعية الاولي -بجوار مصنع عبور لاند- بلوك 13018 - قطعة 6 - قبل مصنع هاي فارم
مواعيد العمل: كل يوم ما عدا الجمعة من 11 صباحا حتي 6 مساءا 0244904147
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