Mim and More
Mim and More Melon Matcha 25g
We've discovered the secret to starting the day deliciously
We've combined the lively color and unique taste of Matcha with the longed-for flavor of melon from the summer months
We're excited for you to try our new blend 'Melon Matcha', which will accompany you in different recipes at every meal of the day with its high antioxidant property
It's a delicious alternative that you can drink instead of coffee in the mornings, an iced latte that will cool you down in hot weather, a glass of smoothie after a workout, and more
This delicious fruity mix is packed with all the energizing and metabolism-boosting benefits of matcha
Quantity: 25-gram tin
Ingredients: Matcha powder, Melon flavor
العبور - الحي الاول - محلية 8 - بجوار مسجد الشهيد مروان
مواعيد العمل: كل يوم ما عدا الجمعة من 11 صباحا حتي 6 مساءا 0244904147
Al Obour