Costa Coffee Latte 250ml
At Costa Coffee, we know great coffee. The proof? We've been serving our legendary signature blend in London since 1971. It took 112 different blends to get it just right, but boy it was worth it: the perfect balance of delicate Arabica and strong Robusta beans, slow-roasted for a smooth and nutty flavour and rich aroma. All you have to do is open this tasty little can. Costa smooth and creamy Latte has been expertly crafted by our master of coffee. Made with less sugar to release the full flavour of our signature Mocha Italia beans, it's your deliciously creamy Costa Coffee on the go. Less sugar++ ++ 30% Less Sugar versus most RTD coffee drinks in GB & IE
العبور - الحي الاول - محلية 8 - بجوار مسجد الشهيد مروان
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